De update van vorige week zorgde er onder andere voor dat De Sims 4 voortaan voldoet aan Apple’s notarization-vereisten. Tegelijkertijd bracht het voor de MacOS-gebruikers een aantal kritieke bugs met zich mee die vandaag worden opgelost. Aangezien de bugs zich enkel voordeden op dat platform, heeft de pc geen update gekregen.
Update 04/14/2020 – Mac:
Hello Simmers,
We have a small but important update to address some critical issues for macOS players. Thank you for your reports and assistance in tracking down, and drawing awareness to these important issues.
- Players can once again launch The Sims 4 in their language preference when their choice is different from the Origin language options.
- Downloaded Packs are now correctly moved to their new location. Origin will no longer insist on reinstalling the packs. This means players won’t end up with two copies.
- A few stability improvements were made.
Additional Information:
If one of the workarounds from AnswersHQ was applied to get the game going last week, players don’t have to undo it. No additional action is necessary.