In the Dutch Sims Community there are many fans who love The Sims and express that in their own unique way. They make stories with the game, machinima’s (videos made with the game), they spend a lot time on different forums and some of them even have a website about it. And this are just a few things fans do with their game!
This diversity within the Dutch Community makes us want to put some of those fans in the spotlights. In this 13th interview we’ve got an Canadian fan, Berry from the Rainbowcy Legacies. This is the first time ever we don’t have a Dutch fan, but someone from outside the Netherlands.
| SN Interview: Berry from the Rainbowcies |
Berry sweet sims! Ze zijn zo mooi en Berry is echt super getalenteerd super artikel!
Dat zeker!! Ik was ook zeer blij dat ze wou mee werken hier aan :D!