Na al het nieuws van De Sims 4 moeten we toch ook nog ander nieuws melden! Er is gisteren een nieuwe update uitgekomen voor SimCity nummer 7 alweer. Bij de update krijg je een gratis set, gaaf! Lees hier onder hoe je de set kunt bemachtigen.
Give your Sims something to be thankful about – yesterday we released the SimCity Houses of Worship set for free with Update 7. The House of Worships set comes with four unique buildings that will make your Sims happy. In addition to the righteous emotional boost, the House of Worship buildings are free to place and do not require any maintenance (though you are limited to four buildings in a city). The House of Worship buildings are also available to all wealth levels, so anyone can visit.
If you have additional questions, check out our FAQ below.
- Q: What is included in the Houses of Worship set?
- A: The Houses or Worship set comes with four unique buildings that will grant your Sims happiness during service hours.
- Q: How do I get the Houses of Worship set?
- A: The Houses of Worship set will automatically download with Update 7.
- Q: Is there additional gameplay added?
- A: The Houses of Worship set will make visitors happy during service hours. The four buildings are also free to place and have no maintenance fees (up to four can be placed in a city). Each house of worship has a two hour morning service and evening service, with a different time for each to reduce strain on traffic
- Q: Once I download it, where do I find it?
- A: To find the Houses of Worship set, first open the City Specializations view, then click the Culture menu, and finally, the Worship tab.
- Q: Is the Houses of Worship Set available worldwide?
- A: Yes.
- Q: How much does it cost?
- A: The Houses of Worship set is free.