VRevis maakt veel Machinima (ingame video’s, zie ook zijn A Cuppa Joe site) en verteld daar het een en ander over.
Zo te lezen houdt EA nog wat materiaal achter wat op het Creator’s Camp is gemaakt en wat waarschijnlijk de komende weken of pas met het online komen van de uiteindelijke en officiële Sims 3 site(s) te zien zal zijn.
SimOperations: What kinds of things did you make at the Creator’s Camp?
VRevis: Well, I’m limited to what I can say regarding what the “machinima artists” worked on while out there. Although the other content creators have been more free to talk about what they did, the videomakers are still under a strict NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement) with EA until the official site goes live. So, I can’t go into specifics on what I did while out there, other than I worked with the video-making aspect of the game. The other custom content creators were making sims, clothing, and some really gorgeous homes.
SO: You’re a Machinima artist. Are the movie making tools in The Sims 3 good or do they require improvement?
VR: From the build we worked with, the machinima tools in-game are very similar to the ones in Sims 2. We had to modify our camera .ini file to make a few adjustments, but that should all be fixed by the final release, from what we were told at the time. One difference is that there will be 5 camera presets, not 4, like in Sims 2.