In de livestream van de Galerij-update gisteravond is ook kort ingegaan op de nieuwe communicatiestrategie van Maxis rondom De Sims. Zoals bekend verdwijnen de kwartaal teasers maar komen er daarvoor in de plaats een stuk meer livestreams:
- Om de twee weken komt er steeds een Guru Garage. Daarin spelen steeds verschillende SimGuru’s twee uur lang De Sims en heb je de kans met ze te chatten. De community kan meebepalen wat de SimGuru’s gaan doen op de stream.
- Maandelijks komt er een Maxis Monthly waarin SimGuruKate herhaalt wat er die maand is gebeurd, eventueel wat er de komende maand gaat gebeuren en zullen er ook interviews verschijnen met ontwikkelaars.
- Net zoals bij de Galerij-update van gisteren zullen er meer livestreams van updates komen.
Dit alles begint al volgende maand, dus we zullen snel merken hoe dit zal uitpakken. Op de livestream bevestigde SimGuruGrant overigens ook dat De Sims 4 nog minimaal drie jaar support zal krijgen, dus er is nog genoeg om naar vooruit te kijken. Ook de Galerij zal dit jaar nog meer updates ontvangen waarbij ook zal worden gekeken naar de mogelijkheid zal thumbnails te uploaden.
Let’s Talk About The Sims On Twitch
First I want to say thank you to all who tuned in to today’s livestream to check out the update to the Gallery! We hope you all enjoy the new look and feel to the Gallery. The Gurus have been working hard on this for quite some time and as SimGuruGrant said, this is the first of a number of future updates to the Gallery.
Second, if you stayed until the end you may have caught me briefly talking about some upcoming initiatives for The Sims on Twitch. Since we know not everyone could tune in, I wanted to share a little bit more about our plans for Twitch in the coming months. You’re definitely going to be seeing us a lot more!
Beginning in August we plan to launch a new stream series called the Guru Garage. Every two weeks you’ll be able to tune in on a set day/time to hang with the Gurus and chat with them as they play The Sims for two hours. You’ll be able to ask them questions, get to know them a little more, and maybe even have a bit of an impact on what they will be doing on the stream. We will be switching up the SimGurus so one stream you may see SimGuruRomeo and SimGuruNinja, and the next it might be SimGuruGrant and SimGuruKimmi. This stream series is all about having fun and playing The Sims with SimGurus, who also love the game.
Then beginning in September we will be launching a new monthly series called Maxis Monthly. Each month, on a set day/time, you’ll be able to tune in for an hour “talk show” hosted by me! During this hour we will recap what happened in The Sims over the previous month, host interviews with members of the Dev. Team (learn a little more about their job and what they do), showcase cool community creations, and even give a peak at what will be coming in the next month.
We will also continue to do livestreams for updates/patches and releases, though these will likely be bit of a surprise and will be announced 72 hours in advance. Like I said, you’re definitely going to be seeing a lot more of us.
We are working on finalizing the schedule for our first series of Guru Garage and Maxis Monthly livestreams and we will share here once it is complete so that you can get everything on your calendar and tune in for those streams you are interested in.
We are so very excited about the future of The Sims and bringing more consistent and frequent communication with the Community.