Honeywell’s: E3 2014 Live Broadcast SimGuru Q&A

p de site van Honeywell is er een vraag en antwoord sessie gekomen met de Simguru’s. Gisteren mocht je tijdens en na de E3 vragen stellen aan de Simguru’s op twitter. Hierin staat alweer een hoop informatie over De Sims 4, zoals bijvoorbeeld: Je kunt een drieling krijgen!

E3 2014: Live Broadcast SimGuru Q&A (aka “Babies Have Legs”)

Here’s the Question & Answer session with the SimGurus that took place during the live broadcast of EA’s E3 Press Conference.

(Hashtags and Twitter speak removed for ease of reading and some of the questions to the Gurus have been edited for clarity.)


Question: What will be the requirements of The Sims 4? —High Life
A: We are working on making the game accessible as possible. So once the specs are locked that info will be given. =) —SimGuruRusskii

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Gameinformer: Simplifying Sims 4

Gameinformer heeft net een artikel gepubliceerd over De Sims 4, hierin komt naar voren dat er een open wereld is in De Sims 4. Hmh, hoe open zou deze wereld worden!?

Simplification is a key word for Sims 4, letting you create and play with less fuss. But that doesn’t mean that the game is dumbed down any – it’s just streamlined and smarter.

Previously EA talked about how the Sims 4 makes they physical side of character creation easier with better tools, no sliders, and more choices. After that, picking an aspiration sets up a long-term personality goal for your sim (these are based off of archetypes like nature, food, athletic, etc), and each aspiration comes with an appropriately paired trait (such as the Computer Whiz aspiration that’s paired with the Quick Learner trait). Your aspiration can be changed at any time, but if you complete the aspiration’s goal you’ll be rewarded.

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