Console & Na Middernacht interview met Craig Ting en de producers

SimPrograms heeft het eerste deel van een exclusief interview met Craig Ting en de producers van De Sims 3 Console en Na Middernacht online gezet. Dit interview onthult niet de meest spectucalaire dingen, want het meeste weten we inmiddels wel. Maar toch is het een erg leuk interview en echt wel de moeite waard om het te lezen. Hopelijk komt deel twee ook snel.

Simillion: What are the biggest differences with the console versions from the PC version?

Craig: Karma powers! They give a great new way for you to help or hinder the life of your Sims and those around them.

Producer: We saw fire being rained on houses, a Sim getting “lucky” karma put on him and being amazing at everything he did…really looks fun! Another difference is that there’s no buyable extra content (like the sims store) on the console versions at launch. You’ll be able to design and share your own stuff just like the PC version, and EA will see how much fans enjoy using this. They may introduce content you can buy on Xbox Live/PSN etc in future.There’s also some neat Facebook integration for consoles – posting your achievements and what you’re doing in-game on FB from within the game.

| Exclusive Interview with Craig Ting & Sims 3 Console/Late Night Producers part 1 |

Bonus items bij preorder De Sims 3 Consoles

EA Extranet heeft een persbericht online gezet – zie de (meer lezen) over bonus items die je kunt krijgen als je De Sims 3 Consoles nu al ergens reserveert. Het is onduidelijk of actie ook voor Nederland en België geldt: we houden jullie in ieder geval op de hoogte.

* Game (X360/PS3 Only) – The ‘Get Lucky’ Karma Power which grants your Sims the power of luck and ensures all endeavours end in success.
* Amazon – The Ultra Lounge Living Room set provides your Sim with a new flat panel television, contemporary décor items, and other cool furnishings.
* – Cruise around town in-game with a muscle car or a top of the range sports car.
* EA Store/Digital – Ultra Lounge Outdoor Set.

Review van De Sims 3 Ambities voor iPhone & iPod Touch

As far as what your sim can do or accomplish, the possibilities are close to limitless. You can meet new friends, look online for a new job, invite people over to your home, complete additions on your house, start a relationship, climb the company ladder, as more. There’s so much to keep you entertained in this small town of The Sims 3. Along the way, you need to cater to your sim’s needs as they need to eat, sleep, use the bathroom, socialize, have fun, and maintain your hygiene. Failure to attend to any of these needs will result in your sim getting in a seriously bad mood, or having no one want to talk to your sim if he/she doesn’t shower.

| The Sims 3: Ambitions review for iPhone & iPod Touch op AppModo |