SN Review: The Sims 3 Katy Perry Sweet Treats

SN Review: The Sims 3 Katy Perry Sweet Treats

FranSor made a review about the new, by many bad received stuff pack, completely dominated by Katy Perry. Will she share this negative opinion, or won’t she? Read it in her review!

Attention to sweet chewers! Katy Perry and Electronic Arts proudly present their new Stuff Pack: The Sims 3 Katy Perry’s Sweet Treats! This Stuff Pack came completely unexpected and quite fast after the last Expansion Pack. This Stuff Pack is all about sweets and treats. This theme is a bit odd and isn’t suitable for everyone, but we want to leave this negativity behind us! What is this Stuff Pack really about? Read our review!

| SN Review: The Sims 3 Katy Perry Sweet Treats |

SN Review: Hidden Springs (English)

SN Review: Hidden Springs

A neighborhood made by the official team behind The Sims 3, full of magical scenes and arcane mysteries. Although, that’s what the description wants us to believe. Is it true? Read our review to find out!

Hidden Springs has a irresistible attraction to the rich and famous who are looking for relaxation and who want to escape their day to day life. They cannot resist the stories about magical powers which slumber in the woods and lakes. Some of the town folks who live near the woods are acting mysterious and it seems as if they have a greenish skin colour. Is there really magic going on in the woods?

| SN Review: Hidden Springs (English) |

SN Review: Hidden Springs

SN Review: Hidden Springs

Een buurt gemaakt door het officiële team van De Sims 3, vol magische taferelen en geheimzinnige mysteries. Alhoewel, dat is wat de beschrijving zegt, is dit ook echt zo? Lees het in onze review!

Hidden Springs oefent een onweerstaanbare aantrekkingskracht uit op beroemdheden en rijken die er ontspanning zoeken en aan de sleur willen ontsnappen. Ze kunnen geen weerstand bieden aan de verhalen over de schijnbaar magische krachten die in de bossen en waterplassen ronddwalen. Sommige stedelingen die in de bossen wonen doen heel geheimzinnig en lijken een lichtgroene kleur te hebben. Zou er echt sprake zijn van magie?

| SN Review: Hidden Springs |