We hebben op onze site al eerder aandacht besteed aan de grafische problemen die sommige Simmers hebben met De Sims 3 Beestenbende. SimGuruHydra heeft op het officiële Amerikaanse Sims 3 forum een post gemaakt met wat tips.
Eigenlijk komt het er op neer dat je computer én je grafische drivers echt goed uptodate moeten zijn. Dit is een tip die wij altijd geven maar ik meld het hier toch nog maar eens.
Hi fellow Simmers,
There have been reports from users who are running into issues with horses or may be seeing graphical issues in their game.
Here are some steps that will help make sure your computer is fully up to date:
1.) Ensure that your version of Windows or OS X is fully up to date.
a. For Mac, you will want to go to the upper left corner of the desktop and click the Apple logo drop down and click “Software Update…”
b. For PC, please follow this link http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows/help/windows-update
2.) Now you want to make sure that you are running the latest available graphics drivers.
a. If you have an Nvidia graphics card you will want to visit the following site and use the drop down menus to specify which graphics card and operating system you are using: http://www.nvidia.com/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-us
b. If you have an ATI/AMD graphics card you will want to visit the following site and use the drop down menus to specify which graphics card and operating system you are using: http://support.amd.com/us/Pages/AMDSupportHub.aspx
To find out which operating system and graphics card you are using, you can use the DXDiag tool built into Windows. To access this program, you will want to click start and in the text entry field (under “Run” in Windows XP) type in “dxdiag” without the quotations.
Your operating system will be listed on the first page next to “Operating System:”.
Your graphics card will be located on the second tab labeled “Display 1” next to “Name:”
Bron: officiële Amerikaanse Sims 3 forum