Op Twitter heeft SimGuruGraham laten weten dat The Sims Studio al bijna een jaar aan De Sims 3 Jaargetijden werkt. Er is natuurlijk flink gespeculeerd over hoelang er al aan De Sims 3 Jaargetijden wordt gewerkt, maar dat is dus sinds de release van De Sims 3 Beestenbende (oktober 2011).
Seasons started about a year ago when Pets finished, which is pretty standard for most expansions. EPs are usually able to come out twice a year because people rotate on and off the projects in different stages as they’re needed. All the speculation that Seasons has been worked on behind the scenes since Late Night (if weather was ever considered it never made it past the stage of being an idea in someone’s head for that pack – what we did do for Bridgeport was implement world specific dark/cloudy looking days), or since Ambitions (the infamous fog emitter), or even since base game (some initial experimentation was done with weather effects, but it quickly became clear that there was no way to fit it within the scope of the project) is just that, speculation.
Pets had a small dedicated team working on it since base game due to the incredible complexity of the routing system and the challenges presented by having quadruped creatures navigate the world – they really needed to solve that stuff before the rest of us could get to work on that expansion. Seasons was a full team with tech built from the ground up during this project to bring weather to life within Sims 3 in incredible ways.
We already knew most of the tech that was needed so it didn’t require that long exploratory period that Pets had – we just knew it would be a mountain of work .
Hope that gives some interesting insight into the studio for those that enjoy such things.
SimGuruGraham heeft het hier uiteraard alleen maar of het daadwerkelijk werkelijk bouwen van De Sims 3 Jaargetijden. Dat er weersomstandigheden zouden komen in het spel is iets wat natuurlijk al veel eerder beslist is door The Sims Studio.
Je gaat namelijk niet zomaar ‘een seizoenen uitbreiding’ bouwen zonder eerst goed te bedenken welke kant de uitbreiding op moet gaan en wat daar allemaal voor nodig is.