Ik weet niet of deze Ford Fiesta set ook op de Nederlandse De Sims 3 Store komt maar op de Amerikaanse Store vind je deze auto en nog wat leuke andere kleine downloads.
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Download the 2011 Ford Fiesta and the Fiesta Urban Streetscape today!!
The 2011 Ford Fiesta gets the most out of every corner, thanks to the technical precision only a Ford-tuned suspension can offer. Now your Sims can experience the Ford Fiesta Movement when you download the 2011 Ford Fiesta car and Fiesta Urban Streetscape for FREE*! The Fiesta Urban Streetscape includes items for your Sims to use around town – the Fiesta Urban Style graffiti, Never Get Lost Again street sign, Maid o’ Meter parking space with meter, Hot Stuff Crossing! sign, and Street Struttin’ Street Light sign. Download today!!
| Ford Fiesta download |
Met dank aan Simprograms voor dit nieuwtje.