Nieuwe poll: wat vindt jij van Sims 3?

Vandaag startten we een nieuwe poll, misschien een erg voorspelbare maar we doen het toch: wat vindt jij van Sims 3?

Uitslag poll over de nieuwe Sims 3 site, iedereen bedankt voor het stemmen.

John Buchanan, EA marketing director, over Sims 3

Gamesindustry heeft een nieuw artikel online gezet over Sims 3, dit keer met John Buchanan EA Play’s senior marketing director.

Q: Why specifically focus on 16-24s?

John Buchanan: There are three key reasons – firstly, it does represent the largest audience that plays The Sims. Second, we know from a cultural perspective that 16-24 year olds are aspirational to a younger audience, so when we look at our other fans that 14 or 15 they’ll look to the 16-24 year olds to see what’s on the market place. Interestingly enough, that same audience is influential to an older age range as well, because older people will tend to look down to them to see what’s culturally relevant, what’s hip and trendy. Unfortunately I’m one of those people that falls into the older group…

So when we see The Sims with such a broad consumer appeal, the 16-24 year old range felt like a very important range to target, in order to be able to reach the broad audience that we have.

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Nieuwe Sims 3 reviews

Koku Gamer:

Obviously the Sims 3 is not for everyone, it appeals to a certain audience and hasn’t lost sight of that, but it has expanded the size of this audience. Bringing in new features and another level of depth without sacrificing ease of use is a stunning achievement and will entice the dubious into trying the previously disregarded genre.

MTV Multiplayer blog:

The Sims 3” remains the unique experience it has always been, albeit with some welcome streamlining. The changes aren’t enough to make the game completely accessible to all, but mass appeal really isn’t what a proper “Sims” game has ever been about. Fans will certainly appreciate the more focused approach on simulated living, but newcomers will similarly be just as mystified as they’ve always been. Although it remains a “Sims” game through and through, “The Sims 3” is without question the best in the series so far.

Sim Programs alleen over Create a Sim:

You see, I’m stuck in Create-A-Sim mode right now… It’s not due to an error with the game as I could play the other parts of the game. No, my problem is that it’s ADDICTING to me. For the first time, I’m actually creating a Sim and loving it. With the original ‘The Sims’ game, I focused on object creation. I was not much of a skinner. When TS2 rolled out, I attempted to get into CAS but for some reason I could not grasp it. But The Sims 3…once I attempted to create my Sim version of myself I knew I was going to have a blast. There are a few issues I have in which I have however for the most part, creating Sims with the CAS is limitless.

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Animation World interview met MJ Chun

Sims 3 associate producer MJ Chun is door Animation World geinterviewd, je vindt het interview op deze pagina.

The Sims 3 team used different programs to achieve the facial and body visualizations. “We primarily use Maya to deliver on animations that are realistic but also humorous,” Chun offers, adding, “we also create a lot of internal tools for our artists, and for our animators, they had jazz.”

Bron: Sim Programs

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