PC World: Breathlessly Anticipated, Masterfully Executed
PC World: Breathlessly Anticipated, Masterfully Executed
The implementation of the city coupled with the numerous improvements to the game flow and customization, makes The Sims experience much more rewarding and enjoyable than its predecessors. Undeniably the best Sims yet, the extension beyond the home is wonderfully natural and helps to focus on the bigger things than getting caught up in the basics.
And while fake lives and urban planning can keep me busy for days, The Sims 3’s online features look pretty promising as well. The options to upload your creations and share them with the online community, buy new stuff in the Sims Store (for real Earth dollars, of course), create and edit your own movies, and download other custom creations should mean plenty of longevity, though ultimately it all depends on how active the community gets. In any case, the Sims 3 team’s given us a plenty of reasons to keep coming back, the inevitable cavalcade of expansion packs notwithstanding.
Enkele dagen geleden meldde we al in dit blogbericht dat The Sims Resource bezig is met een tool om zelf ook spullen voor Sims 3 te kunnen maken. Al snel waren er bij de Sims community flink wat vragen over de tool en TSR heeft wat meer informatie online gezet.
Just to clarify some questions:
- The tool will be free for everyone to use, no limitations.
- Content produced with the tool can be uploaded anywhere you want, there are no restrictions such as only uploading to TSR.
- We will not claim any ownership over any content produced with this tool, the EULA is there to protect the artists. Hope this answers some of your concerns!
Bron: Snooty Sims
Q: What’s your first memory of The Sims?
Rod Humble: I can remember, I was working at Sony when number one was announced. I saw the preview for the game and I think like a lot of core gamers I just thought “What the hell is this? That doesn’t make any sense whatsoever!” I was so negative on it, I just couldn’t believe anybody would be releasing this – it was from the guys that did SimCity, which was one of my favourite games, and it seemed to be a game about watching other people sitting around the house, on a computer. It just seemed so lame.
In dit topic op het forum van Blacky´s Sims 2 Zoo staan erg veel nieuwe screens, niet alleen van de bomen en planten die ik hier heb neergezet (mijn Sims houden nu eenmaal van tuinieren) maar van het hele spel en het topic wordt regelmatig geupdate met nieuwe screens.
Bron: Sim Times
Ik probeer screens te krijgen van een legale Nederlandse versie maar dat lukt nog niet echt.
Wist je dat wanneer je voldoende invloed hebt bij een particulier bedrijf, je dan het bedrijf kan gaan managen? Je kunt dan personeel ontslaan, je bedrijf een andere naam geven en vrij gebruik maken van de faciliteiten die bij het bedrijf horen.