The Sims Zone over Sims 3 event UK

Op deze pagina van The Sims Zone vindt je wat informatie over het Sims 3 event in Londen en Manchester van afgelopen maandag. Met slecht nieuws voor alle echte Mevrouw Rimpelbil fans, zoals ik: ze is niet meer zo sjacherijnig als in Sims 2.

Hun eigen verslag zal later online komen.

Our first sim bought an empty plot of land on the cliffs overlooking the bay but her first plan was to drop in on the next door neighbour, who happened to be Mrs Crumplebottom. She did not appear to be as cranky as she has been in later generations.

Visiting neighbours is something that has been requested for a long time. With TS2, we have only been able to visit neighbours if they still live in the same “apartment block”. Now it is here and it looks good.

Nog meer weetjes van de Sims 3 UK event

Honeynutcows heeft in dit topic op het Sims 2 Community Forum haar ervaringen opgeschreven van 2 uur lang Sims 3 spelen. Hier enkele quotes:

Social interactions are grand (if some a little silly) as my sim was a bookworm and a hopeless romantic he had around 20 extra social interactions, most of them for the romantic trait but also things like talk about books. I also found when I played another sim, that learned skills carry social options… for example a sporty military sim had the option to salute and to express her need for exercise

Watching Sims travel was great (although when your Sims on a bike expect them to cycle straight through people and cars ) and a journey from one side of town to the other is super quick thanks to grand theft auto style driving.

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Sims 3 Trial Party in Taiwan

Onze linkpartner My Sims World meldt dat er in Taiwan een Sims 3 Trial Party is geweest. Ze hebben er uitgebreid verslag van gedaan en wat screens online gezet van Sims 3 CAS en de online features en wat leuke Sims 3 goodies.

The Sims Hub over Sims 3 UK event

Onze nieuwe linkpartner The Sims Hub heeft een 4 pagina’s groot verslag online gezet van het Sims 3 UK event, later zal er nog een pagina online komen met antwoorden op allerlei vragen over Sims 3.

Building as you can expect is fairly similar to The Sims 2 but with the added features such as the auto-roof (handy for those who always forget about the roof, i.e. me), wall drag (moves the appropriate objects and walls to make it easier when making adjustments to your house) and free placement of certain objects such as trees. Buy mode is also fairly similar to TS2 but again you can use the free placement tool to place and rotate objects wherever you wish to. There are also quarter tiles if you want slightly more precise placement than in TS2, but don’t feel like using the free placement option.

Thinking I didn’t have enough time to start a family, I decided to adopt a child instead. The adoption menu allows you to pick a gender and age ranging from baby, toddler, child and teen, and you can also name the Sim (I am unsure if you are able to do this with all ages). I chose a male baby and the social worker was soon on her way over to my house. When she arrived she placed the baby on the floor in a cute baby basket. The wife picked up the baby out of the basket and held him in her arms. The baby is always wrapped in a blanket (mine was blue, I imagine girls are pink) but do exactly the same as babies in TS2; it just looks cuter.

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Sunset Valley News over Sims 3 UK event

Het eerste verslag van het Sims 3 UK event is online gezet op deze pagina van de Sunset Valley News. Hier een paar citaten:

It has been confirmed before, but one cool feature is how sims recognise other sims according to thier career rank. In addition to high-ranked soldiers and music stars for example, it is cool to see your top athelete walking out of the gym to a crowd of people screaming! I might be incorrectly reading these speech bubbles, but I think you may be cheered on in any competitions there may be in the game.

A question that has keep been coming up is the matter of surnames. In The Sims 2, families had to have the same surname, and only university households could have different-surnamed sims. Now, in The Sims 3, sims can have different surnames, and all be part of the same household.

Simmers worldwide loved two of the objects added in The Sims 2: Apartment Life. However, these objects don’t make a return in The Sims 3. From what we could see, spiral staircases and the bookcase door are not in the base game of The Sims 3. Spiral Staircases were a very in-demand feature of TS2: AL, so they may be added in an expansion pack later.

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Sims 3 Nieuws: vierde team member gezocht

Het team wat werkt aan Sims 3 Nieuws is op zoek naar een 4e teamlid die mee wil werken aan dit blog en samen met Patricia wil werken aan specials, vertalingen, het bezoeken van fansite meetings maar ook zelf met leuke initiatieven komt voor dit Sims 3 Nieuws blog.

Je moet uiteraard verstand hebben van de Sims, de nederlandse en engelse taal redelijk goed kunnen beheersen en zelf artikelen kunnen schrijven en verslagen kunnen maken van Sims presentaties. Ervaring in schrijven en posten op blogs & sites en wat HTML kennis zou meegenomen zijn en onze voorkeur gaat uit naar iemand die ouder is dan 18 jaar: dit in verband met eventueel reizen naar Sims fansite meetings en presentaties.

Er staat een leuke klus voor de deur, namelijk de Sims 3 Sneak Preview, en deze zomer een groter project. Je kunt het meewerken aan dit blog goed combineren met school of werk; dat doen de meeste van ons.

Lijkt dit je wat en heb je zin aan dit blog mee te werken dan kun je reageren via het contact formulier. Ook voor verder vragen kun je daar natuurlijk terecht.

Hiki, Patricia en Rensdesim.