Gamespot over De Sims Middeleeuwen: piraten en adel

As a pirate, you’ll have access to do pirate-y things like dig for rare treasure, and own a parrot. You can name your parrot, feed it, and then promptly send it off to attack some poor unsuspecting sim. There are treasure maps that you’ll come across, which can lead you to a pile of slime-covered gold, or a tentacle monster. In our demo, we were lucky enough to avoid the monster for the most part, but for the sake of our entertainment, our monarch jumped into the monster pit for a good thrashing. Sword fighting is also a key feature to the game, and it seems like that is what the nobles tend to do in their spare time. As always you’ll have access to an extensive wardrobe, and we were told that a patch will come out before the expansion ships, to give everyone the ability to add make-up to their sim.

| Gamespot: Sims Medieval: Pirates and Nobles Preview |

8 juli 2011: De Sims 3 Buurtleven Accessoires chat

EA organiseert weer een chat en dit keer gaat het over De Sims 3 Buurtleven Accessoires. De chat wordt op vrijdag 8 juli 2011 gehouden om 19.30 uur onze tijd.

Join The Sims 3 Producer – Jennifer Lane – at 10:30AM PST on July 8 as she introduces The Sims 3 Town Life Stuff!

Learn how to revamp your Sims world with the latest The Sims 3 stuff! Build a new chic library, high-tech gym, sunny bungalow playground, or new state of the art Laundromat! The Sims 3 Town Life Stuff launches the week of July 25th worldwide.

| The Sims 3 Town Life Live Event |

Wil je nu al je vragen kwijt dan kan dat op deze pagina van Facebook.

Nieuwe artikelen over De Sims 3 Beestenbende

The Xbox 360 version includes Kinect support with voice commands. PC and PS3 (with Move) players won’t have voice support even though both platforms could support it. Furthermore, horses only exist on the PC version.

| ABC News: E3 Impressions: The Sims 3 Pets |

Similar to the previous expansion, pets have dreams and ambitions just like their human counterparts. They also have missions they can partake in when you tire of letting them roam around and acting on their own accord. In the demo, you take control of a dog that needs to find his master at a bar. Once there, you have to help him find a date and hope he’ll get lucky in the process. Though the demo didn’t go into other quests, we were promised a wide range, from the normal — a dog trying to protect a junkyard from burglars — to the ridiculous, like a cat trying to build a time machine.

| Worthplaying: PS3/X360/PC Preview – ‘The Sims 3: Pets’ |

Bronnen: Simvip en Simcookie

SimGuruSemedi over limited edition van De Sims 3 Beestenbende

In dit topic op het Amerikaanse De Sims 3 forum heeft SimGuruSemedi een rij vragen beantwoord over de Limited Edition van de Sims 3 Beestenbende.

We hebben de lijst maar even gekopieerd want dat ’taal veranderen’ om de post te kunnen lezen is ook elke keer weer zo een gedoe.

De limited edition van De Sims 3 Beestenbende is al te bestellen op de Origin / EA Store, zie ook dit bericht op onze site. Of de limited edition in Nederland en België ook in de winkels komt is niet bekend, maar ik gok erop dat dat wel zo zal zijn.

Hi Sims fans! I was really hoping to get this to you sooner, but it has been a bit of a crazy week for me both in and out of the office. Thanks for being patient

The announcement of The Sims 3 Pets has generated a lot of excitement within the community, as well as many questions about the Limited Edition version that I want to help answer with the latest news I can share. The Limited Edition will certainly include the most compelling content that we’ve offered in a preorder before. Our team here at The Sims Studio wants to create the absolute best features possible that players want to use in their game.

E3 2011: De Sims 3 Beestenbende demo (Xbox 360)

Deze week is er een grote gamesbeurs in Amerika, de E3, en De Sims 3 Beestenbende / Pets is schijnbaar al zover gevorderd dat er nu al ‘behind closed doors’ speelsessies zijn.

Gisteren was er zo een speelsessie met de Xbox 360 versie en Gamespot heeft er een verslag van online gezet.

Using Kinect voice commands, a new born kitten was created with lines such as “Clueless” and “Destructive” for its personality. The species could also be selected among real life breeds including Siamese cats and German shepherds. Even the fur and snouts could be adjusted. However, it’s not just limited to the natural. For those who purchase the limited edition, skins such as the tiger dog could be unlocked. It wasn’t just the ascetics of the pets that could be manipulated. The pets are fully playable and can take actions similar to their masters.

One singing dalmatian was trained in the art of singing. Along with its equally musical master, the duo headed to the boardwalk to panhandle via song. Another mutt had more of a mean streak and openly destroyed a potted plant on the same beach side shopping district. In another part of town the tiger dog socialized among its canine cohorts. She was even able to locate a worthy mate and establish romance with a sly nuzzle. Pets not only take a life of their own but are a true member of the family.

| Gamespot: E3 2011: The Sims 3 Pets Demo Preview |

Vanavond om 19.00 uur kunnen we allemaal een speelsessie met Ben Bell bekijken, zie ook dit bericht op onze site. Hopelijk is dat wel de PC versie en niet de consoles versie.

Preview van De Sims 3 Beestenbende voor 3DS door IGN

IGN is lekker op dreef. Naast de preview van De Sims 3 Beestenbende voor Consoles hebben ze nu ook een preview online gezet van De Sims 3 Beestenbende voor Nitnendo’s nieuwe handheld, de 3DS.

Playing as a pet extends way beyond your mark on the living room floor. You can customize your own pet (choosing from dozens of feline and canine breeds) in the create-a-pet portion of the game, and then can choose to have offspring with other like-specied creatures in game (cat or dog) and set up your own animal dynasty. Pets have their own specifically-tailored wishes and lifetime happiness rewards like human Sims, and super-animal-and-3DS-lovers can even create families composed of just dogs or cats — an exclusive option for the 3DS.

| IGN: The Sims 3 Pets goes the Dogs! |

Met dank aan Bakie voor het melden!

Preview van De Sims 3 Beestenbende voor Consoles door IGN UK

IGN heeft een preview online gezet van De Sims 3 Beestenbende voor Consoles. In deze preview draait het om de Xbox360 versie, maar de kwaliteit zal, net als bij De Sims 3, vrijwel gelijk zijn aan de Playstation 3.

In de preview wordt duidelijk dat de huisdieren net als Sims zijn. Ze kunnen banen nemen, krijgen eigenschappen, moodlets en meer. Ook kan je in het spellen kiezen uit meer dan 100 verschillende rassen!

The Sims 3: Pets marks the first time that pets are on equal footing with your Sims, with moodlets, motivations, challenges, and personality traits. including options like piggy or hyper or non-destructive. When you create new Sims in the create-a-Sim menu, cats and dogs are now options for family members, with more than 100 breeds at your disposal (including my beloved breed the Keeshond — miss you, Casey!). And if you’re feeling mean to the humans in your family, allergic to fur is a new trait you can bestow.

| IGN UK: The Sims 3 Pets Goes the Dogs! |

Bron: SimPrograms