NZgamer geeft De Sims Middeleeuwen: Piraten en Adel een 7,5

De Engelstalige NZgamer heeft een reviews online gezet van net eerste avonturen pakket voor De Sims Middeleeuwen. Piraten en Adel zal op donderdag 1 september 2011 in de winkels liggen.

Whether or not you choose to focus on these new quests, Pirates and Nobles brings a lot of new goodies to the game. There are new clothing and hair options, as well as a range of eyeliner styles available – after all, what pirate worth his salt gets around sans-makeup? There are new traits, Entitled (for snobby Nobles), and Call of the Sea (for guess who), as well as the Dread Pirate legendary trait which lets you lead pirate raids, and collect tributes.

The strangeness of The Sims Medieval is still here, of course; the title is not-quite a strategy game, not-quite an RPG, not-quite The Sims. And fans of each of these different genres will still find the gameplay to be a bit odd. But for all its quirks, it’s still extremely more-ish, and the Pirates and Nobles expansion just brings even more good stuff to the game.

| NZgamer: The Sims Medieval: Pirates and Nobles |

Review Hidden Springs voor De Sims 3 van Infinite Sims

The neighbourhood is really great, a lot of work has been put into it and it really has proved itself to be a worthwhile play. The down side to this neighbourhood is its price, for what it has to offer, I feel that they could have made it much cheaper! Especially considering that it costs more than a Stuff Pack!!!

Overall the neighbourhood and default Sims are a 5 star rating! Price wise, I give it a big nay, and integration with The Sims 3 Pets – I can’t wait!

| Infinite Sims Our Review for The Sims 3 Hidden Springs |

SN review van De Sims Social

We hebben de laatste weken veel gehoord over het nieuwe Facebook spel De Sims Social en het werd tijd om eens ons licht te laten schijnen op dit nieuwe spelletje. AnsjJ2 heeft daarom een review gemaakt van De Sims Social.

De Sims Social is toch wel een ontzettend leuk spel. En erg verslavend ook. Als je een dag of twee echt neemt om het te spelen, kom je al een heel eind in het spel! Normaal ben ik niet zo’n fan van Facebook spelletjes en heb met mijn eerste blikken ook heel nuchter gekeken naar Sims Social.

Maar man wat is het leuk. Al met al is het zeker de moeite waard om te spelen!

| SN review: De Sims Social |

Wil je reageren op deze review dan kan dat in dit topic op ons De Sims Social forum.

Gamasutra over De Sims Social

That players can earn points by socializing and then later use them to buy decorations to their houses (versus real money transaction, or even versus in-game currency) is a cool touch. And yet, like in all The Sims Social’s irritating, embarrassing predecessors, that players have to solicit assistance every time they want to add a room or purchase certain types of household items seems like backward logic in a game like this one.

If gaming on Facebook is ever going to escape its cumbersome reputation, it needs to stop forcing players to beg in public. At early blush, The Sims Social seems promisingly fun, exciting and actually social relative to other choices. But the multi-stage “help” projects are not a welcome carryover from other games.

| Gamasutra: Analysis: Anti-Social Game Design And The Sims Social |

Simprograms review van De Sims 3 Buurtleven Accessoires

I know before purchasing this stuff pack that we usually do not get a lot of content – we average around 60 items for each pack. In this case, we got 40 new items, 25 clothing items and 7 lots. Some may say $20 is not worth it, but…I bought mine for $13, so I think I got a good deal. As for some of the objects being rehashed (laundry set and park items from Generations) I don’t mind. I’m not really going to count that against them because in some cases, you may not happen to have the proper expansions for those items.

Finale Verdict: B-

| Simprograms: Jud reviews The Sims 3 Town Life Stuff |