NZGamer geeft Sims 3 Luxe een 7

De Engelstalige site NZGamer heeft een review online gezet van Sims 3 Luxe.

This first stuff pack lets players glitz up their homes a little, with some sleek, modern furniture that wouldn’t look out of place in a fancy New York loft (or what I imagine a New York loft would look like). There’s a lot of glass, a lot of Swedish-looking furniture, and even a very awesome corner bathtub. I wasn’t particularly jazzed by the mens’ clothes (which looked a little more Thriller-era Michael Jackson than High-End Loft), but there are a couple of nice new haircuts for women, and some good-looking gear for them.

| The Sims 3: High-End Loft Stuff |

Bron: Simprograms

Sims 3 Luxe: weinig pracht en praal

De Belgische site Cutting Edge heeft een korte review online gezet van Sims 3 Luxe.

Er zitten prachtige meubels in dit accessoirepakket, maar deze zouden nooit apart verkocht mogen worden. Een nieuwe badkamer, nieuwe zetels, nieuwe elektronische apparaten, maar niets dat we nog niét gezien hebben. We konden geen enkele nieuwe actie vinden die je Sim kan uitvoeren en dat is erg jammer. Dit accessoirepakket is niet meer dan een accessoirepakket. Een boel onnuttige gadgets die onderdeel moesten zijn van een uitbreidingspakket, niet van een apart spel.

| Sims 3: weinig pracht en praal |

Sims 3 Luxe review op Cinemablend

De Engelstalige Cinemablend heeft een review online gezet van Sims 3 Luxe met in de hoofdrol Daisy die haar appartement, zichzelf en haar vriendje flink oppimpt met de nieuwe spullen uit het eerste accessoires pakket voor Sims 3.

What’s missing from this pack?

The elevator and the hot tub! Both of these items have yet to be introduced into The Sims 3 and I think it would’ve been great to build a loft that had an indoor hot tub and definitely an elevator. In fact, I’m willing to go as far as to say that those two items would easily justify the $20 price tag on this pack. Not that the aquarium, electric guitar and vibrating bed aren’t great but for for those of us who get frustrated trying to incorporate stairs into our floorplans, the elevator in Sims 2 was always a great convenience. And the hot tub was great for socializing. Without those two items, I’m on the fence. It’s not that I’m not satisfied with most of what’s offered in the pack, but the price still feels a bit high. Perhaps my thoughts on that are skewed a bit after familiarizing myself with the online store that EA offers Sims 3 players.

| Sims 3 High End Loft Stuff Pack Impressions: Daisy Gets A Makeover |

Silver22 geeft Sims 3 Luxe een 8+

Afgelopen dagen hebben we uitgebreid bericht over de eerste Simfan die Sims 3 Luxe heeft: Silver22. Het lijkt erop dat hij erg tevreden is met het accessoirespakket:

Male hair 7/10
Female hair 6/10

Female clothing 8/10
Male clothing 8/10

New objects 10/10
Amount of content for the price 10/10

Verder nog wat losse opmerkingen die Silver 22 heeft gemaakt:

– Both genders have new shoes as well. I like the two pairs of shoes better than any of the old shoes.
– People who love to fish now can put their fish in the aquarium.
– Rockstars can now have electric guitars, or even hang their guitars.
– People who like classy bathrooms now can have a corner tub, a futuristic sink, and glass shower.
– Athletes get a new awesome looking treadmill.
– Fancy living room objects with new slick looking tv’s, gaming consoles, book cases, huge stereo, fancy desk with even fancier computer, and even more.
– A new dresser with an extremely cool looking stand up lamp, new light fixtures, and two new beds. One being the anniversary heart vibrating bed, the other being a super cool looking new bed, which happens to be the best bed you can buy from build/buy mode.
– New outdoor deck items such as lawn chairs and fire pits.
– Fancy cordless phone, with fancy end tables. Quite a few new chairs, sofas, and couches.
– New windows and doors that would be great for people building mansions.
– Oh and for you coffee lovers, you get a huge espresso machine. Its bigger than a microwave lol