Onder deze titel, maar dan in het Engels natuurlijk, heeft Kotaku een nieuwe preview online gezet. Er staat erg veel informatie in, onder andere over dat het niet mogelijk is om te terraformen, jammer genoeg. Met dank aan Snatenaar voor de tip!
Developers on the game recently gave me a brief demo of their new SimCity, crafting a simple city to show some of the finer elements of their PC-only revival. They drew their roads, which now can be curvy. They did not terraform (there’s no re-shaping of land in this game). They zoned the land between the roads, and as houses popped, moving vans pulled in. All of the traffic in the game is simulated, they pointed out. Every house has at least one Sim in it who has a job and goes to work. Each house emits some light, as do car headlights, turning the night-time part of the game into a spectacle of darkened hues and glowing lights.
| Kotaku: SimCity Preview |