SIMposium: screens, video’s en info op Simplaza

Simplaza heeft ook een verslag online gezet van Wereldavonturen en naast veel nieuwe informatie en screens hebben ze ook enkele video’s online gezet van onder andere China en Frankrijk. De video’s kunnen niet embed worden of bekijk ze in deze post op ons forum.

| VIDEO 1 | VIDEO 2 | VIDEO 3 | VIDEO 4 | VIDEO 5 |

| VIDEO 6 | VIDEO 7 | VIDEO 8 | VIDEO 9 | VIDEO 10 |

Wir sind begeistert von unseren Reisen. Die Länder haben so viel mehr Flair bekommen seit sie das letzte Mal auf der GamesCom in Köln vorgestellt wurden. Auch die neue Art einen Urlaub zu gestalten, Rätsel zu lösen und Gräber, etc. zu erforschen macht wesentlich mehr Spaß als gedacht. Sogar unglaublich viel Spaß. Und wer das nicht mag hat trotzdem genug Grund in fremde Länder zu reisen, denn es gibt einfach jede Menge zu erleben. Reiseabenteuer ist nicht nur ein komplett neues Erlebnis, sondern es übertrifft auch Altbekanntes wie “Gute Reise”.

Bron: Simway

Sims 3 Halloween wallpapers

Halloween is eigenlijk een beetje over maar de Russische fansite Sims Mixei heeft 3 erg mooie Halloween wallpapers online gezet. Ze zijn er in verschillende formaten te downloaden.

Meer over fotografie in Sims 3 Wereldavonturen [UPDATED]

Buying a camera is pretty simple – all three locations (Al Simhara, Egypt, Shang Simla, China and Champs Le Sims, France) will have them for sale from the General Goods Merchant. Become a better photographer by studying the fine art – even purchasing the most expensive of the cameras in the Egypt destination! When your sim becomes good enough, they can take stylized photographics like Sepiatone or Vignette – even in panorama view! Best part, your sim can make a living off of this skill via selling their shots. Other interests you can do is complete various photo collections or hang your photographs on the wall.

With the Photographers Eye, you are given new lifetime wishes, tasks and opportunities for your sims to take on. Complete a photograph wish by taking a photograph of a pyramid or fulfill an opportunity like ‘teach a photography class at the school to earn rewards! You never know what to expect – you may even be asked to take a shot of a specific object! World Adventures will also bring forth the lifetime wish “Visionary” in which you will have to reach level 10 in both painting and photography. With the various destinations and many locations – The Great Sphinx, A Pyramid, The Dragon Cave, Chinese Garden, and The Market, you’ll be busy for hours!

Bron: Worthplaying & Simprograms

[UPDATE]: Jasper heeft het artikel vertaald en je vindt het in dit topic op ons forum.

Sims 3 Wereldavonturen review op Gamespot

De Engelstalige Gamespot heeft op deze pagina weer een review online gezet van Wereldavonturen en dit keer bekijken ze Frankrijk en China.

France seems like a more laid-back, residential area where instead of kicking, people use their feet to stomp grapes. We decided to try our hand, and feet, at the art of making bottled “nectar” by visiting the local vintner shop, which has dozens of bottles of the stuff on racks for you to peruse, taste, and purchase, and achieve a minor mood boost because “nectar” is so “sugary” (wink wink), but also has a merchant who will happily sell you a portable nectar-making still to bring home with you, as well as different bottles of different vintages, and various types of grapes.

Bij de preview zitten ook veel nieuwe screens en die vindt je op deze pagina.

De muziek in Sims 3 Wereldavonturen

Bijna alle muziek die we straks in Sims 3 Wereldavonturen gaan horen, buiten de hits van bekende artiesten in het Simlish om dan, is gemaakt door componist Steve Jablonsky. Op deze pagina van Scoring Sessions vindt je wat foto’s van de opname sessies.

Based off the same melodies of the original game, The Sims 3 World Adventures is upbeat and peppy, but with the new option to take your Sims to three distinct corners of the globe, Jablonsky has infused the music with a bit more ethnicity this time around. Players can take their Sims to Egypt, where the music has a more Middle-Eastern melody, enhanced with ethnic woodwinds. In France, mandolin and accordion are introduced to the musical palette, and China features ethnic flutes and sliding string lines.