Bron: Sterling Sims
Tag: Screenshots
SIMposium dag 1: en nog 3 Sims 3 Wereldavonturen screens
Bron: Simlicious
SIMposium dag 1: nog meer Sims 3 Wereldavonturen screens
Bron: Centrum Simów
Eerste details over Sims 3 – Create a World – buurt editor
Gisteravond werd op het SIMposium bekend dat EA in December 2009 met een tool komt om zelf buurten te gaan maken. De bezoekers van het SIMposium, waaronder onze eigen Patricia, hebben de tool al kunnen bekijken al is de tool nu nog in de Beta fase.
Gamespot heeft nu een exclusieve preview over de Create a World – buurt editor online gezet: de tool zal in December 2009 GRATIS te krijgen zijn en zal ongeveer 130 MB groot zijn.
Like with the build mode of The Sims 3, users can manipulate terrain by raising it to create mountains or lowering it to create valleys, then “paint” the terrain using either the textures and terrain types available in the editing tools, or, if they’re ambitious enough, by using image-editing tools such as Photoshop to create their own JPEG and PNG textures to map onto their custom neighborhoods. Once built, these areas can be exported from the tool, then either imported into your own game install (you can have as many custom neighborhoods in your game as your computer’s hard drive space allows), or uploaded to the Exchange community site to share with other users. It’s not yet clear what the average filesize of a custom neighborhood will be, but EA community representatives assured GameSpot regardless of how big they are, custom neighborhoods will be subject to the same sort of community-plus-EA-oversight content moderation process used for other custom content.
Bron: Simprograms
SIMposium Dag 1: Sims 3 Wereldavonturen – nieuwe screens
SIMposium dag 1: Sims 3 Wereldavonturen – Create a Sim screens
Bron: SIMposium Flickr
SIMposium dag 1: Patricia speelt Sims 3 Wereldavonturen
Na een flink ontbijt, een korte presentatie van Sims 3 Wereldavonturen met daarbij een presentatie van de nieuwe tool om buurten te maken, toen een lunch, een tour over de EA Campus en een bezoek aan de EA winkel is het eindelijk tijd voor Patricia (vierde van links: in het paars op de grote foto) om Sims 3 Wereldavonturen te spelen:
SIMposium Twitter:
Patricia: I think The Sims 3 WA is amazing! So much to discover. And I’m about to play it. MUWHAHA! *cough cough*
Patricia: Computer shut off just a second ago. NOO!! Restarting game. Interview later on.
Patricia: By the way: China is B-E-A-utiful!
Patricia: Did you know you can travel between 3 and 12 days? Of course the length depends on your visa level.
Patricia: There are also fortune cookies you can bake in China. And you can create your own fortune text!
Patricia: In China, when you feel like visiting the city, you’ll have a bike to ride to the city. Or any other place you want to visit.
Patricia: You don’t have to explore a tombe to gain relics. You can also buy a vase from the local store and fine some in it.
Patricia: Responding to a job ad at the base camp already gives 10 Visa points.
Patricia: Interview in 5 minutes. Teehee!
Patricia: 15 more minutes to play until we have to close the game. I don’t want to stop playing anymore!
Patricia: In other lands the stores are open.
Patricia: My sim just learned a song from a local, called: ‘The love of Xing Lo’
Patricia: This is it. This version is the final one.
Patricia: On a base camp you don’t have to click on a door to make the rooms yours. You just have to jump in bed.
Patricia: However, you can set the door of your bedroom at the base camp as a front door. Interesting.
Patricia: I haven’t tried it out yet. But the create a world tool will be out in December.